Thursday, October 17, 2013

Why are you not using a reservation system?

Obviously I am a little bias when it comes to reservations system.

Reservations systems should do 2 main things: enhance the customers experience and make your business run better (it is a System).

Exploring the first benefit is key to understanding why a reservation system works. A reservation system is NOT to be viewd from the client (business owners) point of view, it is to be viewed as a cuctomer, and what it does for the customer.

When a customer is looking to "book online" (lodging, activity, etc.), they are not looking to "maybe" book online. Typically the customer want to Book NOW and put the process out of their mind. I have clients tell me: "well we have a phone # there so they can just call to book" or" we like to talk to our clients" or there is a reservation form they can book with", etc. Trust me, online booking are increasing as a percentage of sales in every singe business category. I remeber a few years ago and in vacation rentals (condos, houses, etc), they didn't exist at all, now they account for over 50% of all sales. In acaticities (kayak, snowmobile, horseback, etc) the numbers are exploding.

The customer does not want to call you....they want to book a real time, right now and without complications. They don't want a 2 step process (send a form and wait or call to book).  If theywanted to call you, I am sure they would have just picked up the phone number from the web site. No matter how complicated a product or service maybe, it can be booked online, with a simple and ecfficient checkout system.

After you understand that you are giving the customer what they want, then the second part should be easy to understand. A reservation system will improve your business and save you money.

I have a lot of small businesses that just "don't get this concept. They spend hundreds of hours on mannually processing orders, payments, emails, reminders, etc. and don't consider for one moment the amount of time they are wasting. Additionally, a system does the exact same thing, every time and never fails. It takes the customer information correctly (the customer enters the information for you!), it takes the payment, its sends a confrimation email, it adds the event to a calendar, it deducts resources from inventory, it sends reminders (email, text messages or both), it produces list, it provides reports so you can see you data in a way it will help your business.

The cost ratio compared to savings (cost of a new system versus doing it mannually) is heavily in favor of spending the money on a system. With Rezo Systems products, many clients can justify the cost (breakeven) in less the a few months.

What are you waiting for?

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